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온타리오 뉴스&이벤트 ( 전체 게시글 수: 52 )
한국당 "美백악관 홈피서 '전술핵 재배치' 청원 서명운동 돌입"아하아이디어 2017-11-08
첨부 파일:  


한국당 "美백악관 홈피서 '전술핵 재배치' 청원 서명운동 돌입"


We call for the return of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea.


After North Korea's 6th nuclear test and numerous missile provocations over Japan, it is now essential that South Korea achieve nuclear parity with North Korea. The current U.S. nuclear defense umbrella clearly has not been enough to deter North Korea’s continuous, reckless actions.


The reintroduction of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea will not only display a concrete commitment to the strong and historic alliance between the U.S. and South Korea but will also show that the global community will not be bullied by North Korea’s rash actions.


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